
Nodes are the bulk data of the world: cubes and other things that take the space of a cube. Huge amounts of them are handled efficiently, but they are quite static.

The definition of a node is stored and can be accessed by using


See [Registered definitions].

Nodes are passed by value between Lua and the engine. They are represented by a table:

{name="name", param1=num, param2=num}

param1 and param2 are 8-bit integers ranging from 0 to 255. The engine uses them for certain automated functions. If you don't use these functions, you can use them to store arbitrary values.

Node paramtypes

The functions of param1 and param2 are determined by certain fields in the node definition.

The function of param1 is determined by paramtype in node definition. param1 is reserved for the engine when paramtype != "none".

  • paramtype = "light"
    • The value stores light with and without sun in its lower and upper 4 bits respectively.
    • Required by a light source node to enable spreading its light.
    • Required by the following drawtypes as they determine their visual brightness from their internal light value:
      • torchlike
      • signlike
      • firelike
      • fencelike
      • raillike
      • nodebox
      • mesh
      • plantlike
      • plantlike_rooted
  • paramtype = "none"
    • param1 will not be used by the engine and can be used to store an arbitrary value

The function of param2 is determined by paramtype2 in node definition. param2 is reserved for the engine when paramtype2 != "none".

  • paramtype2 = "flowingliquid"
    • Used by drawtype = "flowingliquid" and liquidtype = "flowing"
    • The liquid level and a flag of the liquid are stored in param2
    • Bits 0-2: Liquid level (0-7). The higher, the more liquid is in this node; see minetest.get_node_level, minetest.set_node_level and minetest.add_node_level to access/manipulate the content of this field
    • Bit 3: If set, liquid is flowing downwards (no graphical effect)
  • paramtype2 = "wallmounted"
    • Supported drawtypes: "torchlike", "signlike", "plantlike", "plantlike_rooted", "normal", "nodebox", "mesh"
    • The rotation of the node is stored in param2
    • Node is 'mounted'/facing towards one of 6 directions
    • You can make this value by using minetest.dir_to_wallmounted()
    • Values range 0 - 7
    • The value denotes at which direction the node is "mounted": 0 = y+, 1 = y-, 2 = x+, 3 = x-, 4 = z+, 5 = z- 6 = y+, but rotated by 90° 7 = y-, but rotated by -90°
    • By default, on placement the param2 is automatically set to the appropriate rotation (0 to 5), depending on which side was pointed at. With the node field wallmounted_rotate_vertical = true, the param2 values 6 and 7 might additionally be set
  • paramtype2 = "facedir"
    • Supported drawtypes: "normal", "nodebox", "mesh"
    • The rotation of the node is stored in param2.
    • Node is rotated around face and axis; 24 rotations in total.
    • Can be made by using minetest.dir_to_facedir().
    • Chests and furnaces can be rotated that way, and also 'flipped'
    • Values range 0 - 23
    • facedir / 4 = axis direction: 0 = y+, 1 = z+, 2 = z-, 3 = x+, 4 = x-, 5 = y-
    • The node is rotated 90 degrees around the X or Z axis so that its top face points in the desired direction. For the y- direction, it's rotated 180 degrees around the Z axis.
    • facedir modulo 4 = left-handed rotation around the specified axis, in 90° steps.
    • By default, on placement the param2 is automatically set to the horizontal direction the player was looking at (values 0-3)
    • Special case: If the node is a connected nodebox, the nodebox will NOT rotate, only the textures will.
  • paramtype2 = "4dir"
    • Supported drawtypes: "normal", "nodebox", "mesh"
    • The rotation of the node is stored in param2.
    • Allows node to be rotated horizontally, 4 rotations in total
    • Can be made by using minetest.dir_to_fourdir().
    • Chests and furnaces can be rotated that way, but not flipped
    • Values range 0 - 3
    • 4dir modulo 4 = rotation
    • Otherwise, behavior is identical to facedir
  • paramtype2 = "leveled"
    • Only valid for "nodebox" with 'type = "leveled"', and "plantlike_rooted".
      • Leveled nodebox:
        • The level of the top face of the nodebox is stored in param2.
        • The other faces are defined by 'fixed = {}' like 'type = "fixed"' nodeboxes.
        • The nodebox height is (param2 / 64) nodes.
        • The maximum accepted value of param2 is 127.
      • Rooted plantlike:
        • The height of the 'plantlike' section is stored in param2.
        • The height is (param2 / 16) nodes.
  • paramtype2 = "degrotate"
    • Valid for plantlike and mesh drawtypes. The rotation of the node is stored in param2.
    • Values range 0–239. The value stored in param2 is multiplied by 1.5 to get the actual rotation in degrees of the node.
  • paramtype2 = "meshoptions"
    • Only valid for "plantlike" drawtype. param2 encodes the shape and optional modifiers of the "plant". param2 is a bitfield.
    • Bits 0 to 2 select the shape. Use only one of the values below:
      • 0 = an "x" shaped plant (ordinary plant)
      • 1 = a "+" shaped plant (just rotated 45 degrees)
      • 2 = a "*" shaped plant with 3 faces instead of 2
      • 3 = a "#" shaped plant with 4 faces instead of 2
      • 4 = a "#" shaped plant with 4 faces that lean outwards
      • 5-7 are unused and reserved for future meshes.
    • Bits 3 to 7 are used to enable any number of optional modifiers. Just add the corresponding value(s) below to param2:
      • 8 - Makes the plant slightly vary placement horizontally
      • 16 - Makes the plant mesh 1.4x larger
      • 32 - Moves each face randomly a small bit down (1/8 max)
      • values 64 and 128 (bits 6-7) are reserved for future use.
    • Example: param2 = 0 selects a normal "x" shaped plant
    • Example: param2 = 17 selects a "+" shaped plant, 1.4x larger (1+16)
  • paramtype2 = "color"
    • param2 tells which color is picked from the palette. The palette should have 256 pixels.
  • paramtype2 = "colorfacedir"
    • Same as facedir, but with colors.
    • The first three bits of param2 tells which color is picked from the palette. The palette should have 8 pixels.
  • paramtype2 = "color4dir"
    • Same as facedir, but with colors.
    • The first six bits of param2 tells which color is picked from the palette. The palette should have 64 pixels.
  • paramtype2 = "colorwallmounted"
    • Same as wallmounted, but with colors.
    • The first five bits of param2 tells which color is picked from the palette. The palette should have 32 pixels.
  • paramtype2 = "glasslikeliquidlevel"
    • Only valid for "glasslike_framed" or "glasslike_framed_optional" drawtypes. "glasslike_framed_optional" nodes are only affected if the "Connected Glass" setting is enabled.
    • Bits 0-5 define 64 levels of internal liquid, 0 being empty and 63 being full.
    • Bits 6 and 7 modify the appearance of the frame and node faces. One or both of these values may be added to param2:
      • 64 - Makes the node not connect with neighbors above or below it.
      • 128 - Makes the node not connect with neighbors to its sides.
    • Liquid texture is defined using special_tiles = {"modname_tilename.png"}
  • paramtype2 = "colordegrotate"
    • Same as degrotate, but with colors.
    • The first (most-significant) three bits of param2 tells which color is picked from the palette. The palette should have 8 pixels.
    • Remaining 5 bits store rotation in range 0–23 (i.e. in 15° steps)
  • paramtype2 = "none"
    • param2 will not be used by the engine and can be used to store an arbitrary value

Nodes can also contain extra data. See [Node Metadata].

Node drawtypes

There are a bunch of different looking node types.

Look for examples in games/devtest or games/minetest_game.

  • normal
    • A node-sized cube.
  • airlike
    • Invisible, uses no texture.
  • liquid
    • The cubic source node for a liquid.
    • Faces bordering to the same node are never rendered.
    • Connects to node specified in liquid_alternative_flowing if specified.
    • Use backface_culling = false for the tiles you want to make visible when inside the node.
  • flowingliquid
    • The flowing version of a liquid, appears with various heights and slopes.
    • Faces bordering to the same node are never rendered.
    • Connects to node specified in liquid_alternative_source.
    • You must set liquid_alternative_flowing to the node's own name.
    • Node textures are defined with special_tiles where the first tile is for the top and bottom faces and the second tile is for the side faces.
    • tiles is used for the item/inventory/wield image rendering.
    • Use backface_culling = false for the special tiles you want to make visible when inside the node
  • glasslike
    • Often used for partially-transparent nodes.
    • Only external sides of textures are visible.
  • glasslike_framed
    • All face-connected nodes are drawn as one volume within a surrounding frame.
    • The frame appearance is generated from the edges of the first texture specified in tiles. The width of the edges used are 1/16th of texture size: 1 pixel for 16x16, 2 pixels for 32x32 etc.
    • The glass 'shine' (or other desired detail) on each node face is supplied by the second texture specified in tiles.
  • glasslike_framed_optional
    • This switches between the above 2 drawtypes according to the menu setting 'Connected Glass'.
  • allfaces
    • Often used for partially-transparent nodes.
    • External and internal sides of textures are visible.
  • allfaces_optional
    • Often used for leaves nodes.
    • This switches between normal, glasslike and allfaces according to the menu setting: Opaque Leaves / Simple Leaves / Fancy Leaves.
    • With 'Simple Leaves' selected, the texture specified in special_tiles is used instead, if present. This allows a visually thicker texture to be used to compensate for how glasslike reduces visual thickness.
  • torchlike
    • A single vertical texture.
    • If paramtype2="[color]wallmounted":
      • If placed on top of a node, uses the first texture specified in tiles.
      • If placed against the underside of a node, uses the second texture specified in tiles.
      • If placed on the side of a node, uses the third texture specified in tiles and is perpendicular to that node.
    • If paramtype2="none":
      • Will be rendered as if placed on top of a node (see above) and only the first texture is used.
  • signlike
    • A single texture parallel to, and mounted against, the top, underside or side of a node.
    • If paramtype2="[color]wallmounted", it rotates according to param2
    • If paramtype2="none", it will always be on the floor.
  • plantlike
    • Two vertical and diagonal textures at right-angles to each other.
    • See paramtype2 = "meshoptions" above for other options.
  • firelike
    • When above a flat surface, appears as 6 textures, the central 2 as plantlike plus 4 more surrounding those.
    • If not above a surface the central 2 do not appear, but the texture appears against the faces of surrounding nodes if they are present.
  • fencelike
    • A 3D model suitable for a wooden fence.
    • One placed node appears as a single vertical post.
    • Adjacently-placed nodes cause horizontal bars to appear between them.
  • raillike
    • Often used for tracks for mining carts.
    • Requires 4 textures to be specified in tiles, in order: Straight, curved, t-junction, crossing.
    • Each placed node automatically switches to a suitable rotated texture determined by the adjacent raillike nodes, in order to create a continuous track network.
    • Becomes a sloping node if placed against stepped nodes.
  • nodebox
    • Often used for stairs and slabs.
    • Allows defining nodes consisting of an arbitrary number of boxes.
    • See [Node boxes] below for more information.
  • mesh
    • Uses models for nodes.
    • Tiles should hold model materials textures.
    • Only static meshes are implemented.
    • For supported model formats see Irrlicht engine documentation.
  • plantlike_rooted
    • Enables underwater plantlike without air bubbles around the nodes.
    • Consists of a base cube at the co-ordinates of the node plus a plantlike extension above
    • If paramtype2="leveled", theplantlikeextension has a height ofparam2 / 16` nodes, otherwise it's the height of 1 node
    • If paramtype2="wallmounted", the plantlike extension will be at one of the corresponding 6 sides of the base cube. Also, the base cube rotates like a normal cube would
    • The plantlike extension visually passes through any nodes above the base cube without affecting them.
    • The base cube texture tiles are defined as normal, the plantlike extension uses the defined special tile, for example: special_tiles = {{name = "default_papyrus.png"}},

*_optional drawtypes need less rendering time if deactivated (always client-side).

Node boxes

Node selection boxes are defined using "node boxes".

A nodebox is defined as any of:

    -- A normal cube; the default in most things
    type = "regular"
    -- A fixed box (or boxes) (facedir param2 is used, if applicable)
    type = "fixed",
    fixed = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    -- A variable height box (or boxes) with the top face position defined
    -- by the node parameter 'leveled = ', or if 'paramtype2 == "leveled"'
    -- by param2.
    -- Other faces are defined by 'fixed = {}' as with 'type = "fixed"'.
    type = "leveled",
    fixed = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    -- A box like the selection box for torches
    -- (wallmounted param2 is used, if applicable)
    type = "wallmounted",
    wall_top = box,
    wall_bottom = box,
    wall_side = box
    -- A node that has optional boxes depending on neighboring nodes'
    -- presence and type. See also `connects_to`.
    type = "connected",
    fixed = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    connect_top = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    connect_bottom = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    connect_front = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    connect_left = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    connect_back = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    connect_right = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    -- The following `disconnected_*` boxes are the opposites of the
    -- `connect_*` ones above, i.e. when a node has no suitable neighbor
    -- on the respective side, the corresponding disconnected box is drawn.
    disconnected_top = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    disconnected_bottom = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    disconnected_front = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    disconnected_left = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    disconnected_back = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    disconnected_right = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
    disconnected = box OR {box1, box2, ...} -- when there is *no* neighbor
    disconnected_sides = box OR {box1, box2, ...} -- when there are *no*
                                                  -- neighbors to the sides

A box is defined as:

{x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2}

A box of a regular node would look like:

{-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},

To avoid collision issues, keep each value within the range of +/- 1.45. This also applies to leveled nodeboxes, where the final height shall not exceed this soft limit.