Helper functions

  • dump2(obj, name, dumped): returns a string which makes obj human-readable, handles reference loops.
    • obj: arbitrary variable
    • name: string, default: "_"
    • dumped: table, default: {}
  • dump(obj, dumped): returns a string which makes obj human-readable
    • obj: arbitrary variable
    • dumped: table, default: {}
  • math.hypot(x, y)
    • Get the hypotenuse of a triangle with legs x and y. Useful for distance calculation.
  • math.sign(x, tolerance): returns -1, 0 or 1
    • Get the sign of a number.
    • tolerance: number, default: 0.0
    • If the absolute value of x is within the tolerance or x is NaN, 0 is returned.
  • math.factorial(x): returns the factorial of x
  • math.round(x): Returns x rounded to the nearest integer.
    • At a multiple of 0.5, rounds away from zero.
  • string.split(str, separator, include_empty, max_splits, sep_is_pattern)
    • separator: string, cannot be empty, default: ","
    • include_empty: boolean, default: false
    • max_splits: number, if it's negative, splits aren't limited, default: -1
    • sep_is_pattern: boolean, it specifies whether separator is a plain string or a pattern (regex), default: false
    • e.g. "a,b":split"," returns {"a","b"}
  • string:trim(): returns the string without whitespace pre- and suffixes
    • e.g. "\n \t\tfoo bar\t ":trim() returns "foo bar"
  • minetest.wrap_text(str, limit, as_table): returns a string or table
    • Adds newlines to the string to keep it within the specified character limit
    • Note that the returned lines may be longer than the limit since it only splits at word borders.
    • limit: number, maximal amount of characters in one line
    • as_table: boolean, if set to true, a table of lines instead of a string is returned, default: false
  • minetest.pos_to_string(pos, decimal_places): returns string "(X,Y,Z)"
    • pos: table {x=X, y=Y, z=Z}
    • Converts the position pos to a human-readable, printable string
    • decimal_places: number, if specified, the x, y and z values of the position are rounded to the given decimal place.
  • minetest.string_to_pos(string): returns a position or nil
    • Same but in reverse.
    • If the string can't be parsed to a position, nothing is returned.
  • minetest.string_to_area("(X1, Y1, Z1) (X2, Y2, Z2)", relative_to):
    • returns two positions
    • Converts a string representing an area box into two positions
    • X1, Y1, ... Z2 are coordinates
    • relative_to: Optional. If set to a position, each coordinate can use the tilde notation for relative positions
    • Tilde notation
    • "~": Relative coordinate
    • "~<number>": Relative coordinate plus <number>
    • Example: minetest.string_to_area("(1,2,3) (~5,~-5,~)", {x=10,y=10,z=10}) returns {x=1,y=2,z=3}, {x=15,y=5,z=10}
  • minetest.formspec_escape(string): returns a string
    • escapes the characters "[", "]", "\", "," and ";", which cannot be used in formspecs.
  • minetest.is_yes(arg)
    • returns true if passed 'y', 'yes', 'true' or a number that isn't zero.
  • minetest.is_nan(arg)
    • returns true when the passed number represents NaN.
  • minetest.get_us_time()
    • returns time with microsecond precision. May not return wall time.
  • table.copy(table): returns a table
    • returns a deep copy of table
  • table.indexof(list, val): returns the smallest numerical index containing the value val in the table list. Non-numerical indices are ignored. If val could not be found, -1 is returned. list must not have negative indices.
  • table.insert_all(table, other_table):
    • Appends all values in other_table to table - uses #table + 1 to find new indices.
  • table.key_value_swap(t): returns a table with keys and values swapped
    • If multiple keys in t map to the same value, it is unspecified which value maps to that key.
  • table.shuffle(table, [from], [to], [random_func]):
    • Shuffles elements from to to in table in place
    • from defaults to 1
    • to defaults to #table
    • random_func defaults to math.random. This function receives two integers as arguments and should return a random integer inclusively between them.
  • minetest.pointed_thing_to_face_pos(placer, pointed_thing): returns a position.
    • returns the exact position on the surface of a pointed node
  • minetest.get_tool_wear_after_use(uses [, initial_wear])
    • Simulates a tool being used once and returns the added wear, such that, if only this function is used to calculate wear, the tool will break exactly after uses times of uses
    • uses: Number of times the tool can be used
    • initial_wear: The initial wear the tool starts with (default: 0)
  • minetest.get_dig_params(groups, tool_capabilities [, wear]): Simulates an item that digs a node. Returns a table with the following fields:
    • diggable: true if node can be dug, false otherwise.
    • time: Time it would take to dig the node.
    • wear: How much wear would be added to the tool (ignored for non-tools). time and wear are meaningless if node's not diggable Parameters:
    • groups: Table of the node groups of the node that would be dug
    • tool_capabilities: Tool capabilities table of the item
    • wear: Amount of wear the tool starts with (default: 0)
  • minetest.get_hit_params(groups, tool_capabilities [, time_from_last_punch [, wear]]): Simulates an item that punches an object. Returns a table with the following fields:
    • hp: How much damage the punch would cause (between -65535 and 65535).
    • wear: How much wear would be added to the tool (ignored for non-tools). Parameters:
    • groups: Damage groups of the object
    • tool_capabilities: Tool capabilities table of the item
    • time_from_last_punch: time in seconds since last punch action
    • wear: Amount of wear the item starts with (default: 0)