
Games are looked up from:

  • $path_share/games/<gameid>/
  • $path_user/games/<gameid>/

Where <gameid> is unique to each game.

The game directory can contain the following files:

  • game.conf, with the following keys:
    • title: Required, a human-readable title to address the game, e.g. title = Minetest Game.
    • name: (Deprecated) same as title.
    • description: Short description to be shown in the content tab. See Translating content meta.
    • first_mod: Use this to specify the mod that must be loaded before any other mod.
    • last_mod: Use this to specify the mod that must be loaded after all other mods
    • allowed_mapgens = <comma-separated mapgens> e.g. allowed_mapgens = v5,v6,flat Mapgens not in this list are removed from the list of mapgens for the game. If not specified, all mapgens are allowed.
    • disallowed_mapgens = <comma-separated mapgens> e.g. disallowed_mapgens = v5,v6,flat These mapgens are removed from the list of mapgens for the game. When both allowed_mapgens and disallowed_mapgens are specified, allowed_mapgens is applied before disallowed_mapgens.
    • disallowed_mapgen_settings= <comma-separated mapgen settings> e.g. disallowed_mapgen_settings = mgv5_spflags These mapgen settings are hidden for this game in the world creation dialog and game start menu. Add seed to hide the seed input field.
    • disabled_settings = <comma-separated settings> e.g. disabled_settings = enable_damage, creative_mode These settings are hidden for this game in the "Start game" tab and will be initialized as false when the game is started. Prepend a setting name with an exclamation mark to initialize it to true (this does not work for enable_server). Only these settings are supported: enable_damage, creative_mode, enable_server.
    • map_persistent: Specifies whether newly created worlds should use a persistent map backend. Defaults to true (= "sqlite3")
    • author: The author's ContentDB username.
    • release: Ignore this: Should only ever be set by ContentDB, as it is an internal ID used to track versions.
    • textdomain: Textdomain used to translate description. Defaults to game id. See Translating content meta.
  • minetest.conf: Used to set default settings when running this game.
  • settingtypes.txt: In the same format as the one in builtin. This settingtypes.txt will be parsed by the menu and the settings will be displayed in the "Games" category in the advanced settings tab.
  • If the game contains a folder called textures the server will load it as a texturepack, overriding mod textures. Any server texturepack will override mod textures and the game texturepack.

Games can provide custom main menu images. They are put inside a menu directory inside the game directory.

The images are named $identifier.png, where $identifier is one of overlay, background, footer, header. If you want to specify multiple images for one identifier, add additional images named like $identifier.$n.png, with an ascending number $n starting with 1, and a random image will be chosen from the provided ones.

Games can provide custom main menu music. They are put inside a menu directory inside the game directory.

The music files are named theme.ogg. If you want to specify multiple music files for one game, add additional images named like theme.$n.ogg, with an ascending number $n starting with 1 (max 10), and a random music file will be chosen from the provided ones.