Entity damage mechanism

Damage calculation:

damage = 0
foreach group in cap.damage_groups:
    damage += cap.damage_groups[group]
        * limit(actual_interval / cap.full_punch_interval, 0.0, 1.0)
        * (object.armor_groups[group] / 100.0)
        -- Where object.armor_groups[group] is 0 for inexistent values
return damage

Client predicts damage based on damage groups. Because of this, it is able to give an immediate response when an entity is damaged or dies; the response is pre-defined somehow (e.g. by defining a sprite animation) (not implemented; TODO). Currently a smoke puff will appear when an entity dies.

The group immortal completely disables normal damage.

Entities can define a special armor group, which is punch_operable. This group disables the regular damage mechanism for players punching it by hand or a non-tool item, so that it can do something else than take damage.

On the Lua side, every punch calls:

entity:on_punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction,

This should never be called directly, because damage is usually not handled by the entity itself.

  • puncher is the object performing the punch. Can be nil. Should never be accessed unless absolutely required, to encourage interoperability.
  • time_from_last_punch is time from last punch (by puncher) or nil.
  • tool_capabilities can be nil.
  • direction is a unit vector, pointing from the source of the punch to the punched object.
  • damage damage that will be done to entity Return value of this function will determine if damage is done by this function (retval true) or shall be done by engine (retval false)

To punch an entity/object in Lua, call:

object:punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction)
  • Return value is tool wear.
  • Parameters are equal to the above callback.
  • If direction equals nil and puncher does not equal nil, direction will be automatically filled in based on the location of puncher.