

#RGB defines a color in hexadecimal format.

#RGBA defines a color in hexadecimal format and alpha channel.

#RRGGBB defines a color in hexadecimal format.

#RRGGBBAA defines a color in hexadecimal format and alpha channel.

Named colors are also supported and are equivalent to CSS Color Module Level 4. To specify the value of the alpha channel, append #A or #AA to the end of the color name (e.g. colorname#08).


A ColorSpec specifies a 32-bit color. It can be written in any of the following forms:

  • table form: Each element ranging from 0..255 (a, if absent, defaults to 255):
    • colorspec = {a=255, r=0, g=255, b=0}
  • numerical form: The raw integer value of an ARGB8 quad:
    • colorspec = 0xFF00FF00
  • string form: A ColorString (defined above):
    • colorspec = "green"